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Keep track of upcoming reminders with smart lists that automatically organise and display your reminders.Use new edit buttons to add dates, locations, flags, attachments and more to reminders.Share an entire folder of notes using shared folders.Enjoy a more powerful search that recognises text in items you’ve scanned and objects within images.View notes as visual thumbnails in gallery view.Help secure your accounts using strong passwords suggested by Safari.Browse using an updated start page that surfaces sites from your history, bookmarks, reading list, iCloud Tabs and even links sent to you in Messages.View Memory Movies and edit their duration, mood and title.Enjoy a new immersive, dynamic experience that showcases your best photos and memories.

#Macos catalina 10.15 download link pdf
Use your iPad or iPhone to sign a PDF or mark up a screenshot on your Mac.Create a sketch on your iPad or iPhone and insert it into any document on your Mac.
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Use Apple Pencil for tablet input when using your favourite creative pro Mac apps.Place one app on each screen, or put your main canvas on your Mac and your tools and palettes on your iPad.Expand your Mac workspace by using your iPad as a second display.Enjoy a new class of Mac apps built from your favourite iPad titles.Enjoy games across iPhone, iPod touch, iPad, Mac and Apple TV.Browse the latest games, personalised recommendations and exclusive editorial content in the all-new Arcade tab on the App Store.Play 100+ groundbreaking new games with one subscription - no ads or additional purchases.
#Macos catalina 10.15 download link update

Experience three all-new media apps: Apple Music, Apple TV and Apple Podcasts. MacOS Catalina gives you more of everything you love about Mac.